Yusuf Kanat, one of the doyens of the Turkish feed industry, passed away last September.
Yusuf Kanat, the founder of Kartal Kimya one of the important companies of Gebze and Turkish Industry, lost his life at the age of 76. The death knell of Yusuf Kanat, the founder of Kartal Kimya, one of the leading companies in the field of animal health and feed additives, deeply saddened his beloved ones and the business world. Having started working in the feed additive sector in 1969 in the laboratory department of the famous Swiss company, Roche, Kanat was one of the leading names in the establishment of Turkey's first veterinary, pharmaceutical, aroma and feed additives department in Roche in 1972. As Feed Planet, we convey our condolences to the sector, all of Turkey and his relatives in particular.