World Ruminant Feed Industry

07 April 20176 min reading

World ruminant feed amount which has grown 51,6 million tons compared to 2011 and been recorded as 195 million tons in 2013, increased to 196 million tons in 2014. The production which increased to 201 million tons with a little bit growth in 2015 reached 220 million tons in 2016 by increasing 19 million tons.


Second most consumed feed group right after poultry feed, ruminant feed are used for the animals scientists call “ruminants,” which means that they digest their food by fermenting it in a four-chambered stomach. Although ruminant animals should be fed a diet that consists mainly of forage like grass or hay, at certain times in their lives, ruminant animals may need more energy to help them produce milk or gain weight; and the required energy in animal feed usually comes from grains which can be fed alone or as part of a total mixed ration. For example, dairy cattle can also be fed TMRs which consist mostly of hay or corn silage. The grain in the TMR provides energy in a more concentrated form, which allows the animal to grow faster and be more efficient with its food.

That’s why many grains groups such as wheat, corn, barley, oats and millet have a strategic importance in the world. These products, which have been cultured by humans since the early ages, are also extremely important sources of animal feeding as well as human nutrition. Animal feed is the most important area where such grains are used after human nutrition.

WORLD RUMINANT FEED PRODUCTION According to the Alltech Global Feed Survey 2017, global feed industry has grown 3,7 percent in 2016. Majority of this growth in feed industry has been recorded in China which realizes the highest feed production. Another significant reason of this growth is that feed production has also intensified in Africa, Middle East, Latin America and Europe. World ruminant feed amount which has grown 51,6 million tons and been recorded as 195 million tons in 2013, increased to 196 million tons in 2014. The production which increased to 201 million tons with a little bit growth in 2015 reached 220 million tons in 2016 by increasing 19 million tons.

Considering the regions’ share in world ruminant feed production, It seems that Europe is the leading region. Feed production amount in Europe which was 67 million tons in 2013 decreased to 59 million tons in 2015 but increased again to 72,4 million tons in 2016. Another region where ruminant feed production amount is high is Asia-Pacific region. In this region, around 38-40 million tons of ruminant feed were produced between 2013 and 2016.

DAIRY FEED It is seen that total ruminant feed amount produced for dairy in 2013 is 110 million tons. 112 million tons of total ruminant feed production in 2014 (196 million tons), 117 million tons in 2015 and 116 million tons in 2016 belong to dairy feed. Considering the allocation of regions in dairy feed production in 2016, Europe is the leading region with 37,7 million tons. North America with 27,4 million tons, Asia-Pacific with 22,4 million tons, Latin America with 16,8 million tons, Africa and Middle East with 6 million tons follow Europe.

Total production amount of the leading ten country for dairy feed in 2012 is 81,71 million tons. China is the leader with 35,5 million tons. USA with 19,5 million tons, India with 5,8 million tons, Brazil with 5,1 million tons, Mexica with 4,6 million tons, Japan with 3,2 million tons, France with 3,1 million tons, Spain with 2,9 million tons and Russia with 2 million tons follow China.

Total production amount of the leading ten country for dairy feed in 2013 is 58 million tons. USA is the leader with 20 million tons. China, Spain and Japan with 6 million tons, Brazil with 5 million tons, India with 4 million tons, Mexica, Germany and France with 3 million tons, Japan with 3,2 million tons, France with 3,1 million tons, Spain with 2,9 million tons and Russia with 2 million tons follow China.

Total production amount of the leading ten country for dairy feed in 2014 is 61 million tons. Spain with 8 million tons, Japan with 7 million tons, China with 6 million tons, Brazil and India with 5 million tons, Mexica, Germany and France with 3 million tons, Russia with 2 million tons follows USA which is the leader with 19 million tons.

Total production amount of the leading ten country for dairy feed in 2015 is 62,8 million tons. So, USA is the leader with 20,8 million tons. India with 8,2 million tons, Germany with 6,9 million tons, Brazil with 5,3 million tons, China with 4,9 million tons, Mexica with 4,8 million tons, France with 3,5 million tons, Japan with 3,1 million tons, Russia with 2,7 million , Spain with 2,6 million tons follow USA.

BEEF FEED Another product group included in world ruminant feed production is the beef feed group. It is observed that 72 million tons of total ruminant feed produced in 2013 is used for beef feed production. It is observed that the beef feed group performed 67 million tons of total ruminant feed production (196 million tons) in 2014, 69 million tons in 2015 and 82 million tons in 2016. Considering the distribution of feed produced in 2016 for the beef feed group by region, it is seen that the North American region occupies the first place with 26 million tons. North America is followed by Europe with 21.6 million tons, Asia-Pacific with 16.6 million tons, Latin America with 11.3 million tons, Africa with 4.8 million tons and the Middle East with 1.7 million tons.

The total production of the top ten countries for beef feed production feed in 2012 is 71 million tons. China comes first with 30 million tons. China is followed by Japan with 23.4 million tons, Japan with 4.5 million tons, Spain with 4 million tons, Mexico with 3 million tons, Brazil with 2.9 million tons, Russia with 1.75 million tons and France with 1.5 million tons. In 2013, the total production of the top ten countries in beef feed production is 39 million tons. The USA is followed by Germany with 4 million tons, Brazil, India and Mexico with 3 million tons, China with 2 million tons and France with 1 million tons. In 2014, the total production of the top ten countries is 40 million tons. The United States, comes first with 21 million tons, is followed by Germany with 5 million tons, Mexico with 4 million tons, Brazil and India with 3 million tons, China and France with 2 million tons. In 2015, the total production of the top ten countries in beef feed production is 40.6 million tons. Accordingly, the US comes first with 22.6 million tons. The United States is followed by Japan with 4.4 million tons, Mexico and Spain with 3.5 million tons, Brazil with 2.7 million tons, China with 2 million tons and France with 1.5 million tons.

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