Protein-based dietary trend raises importance of feed industry

21 November 20192 min reading

In the National Dairy Council held in Turkey this year by the International Dairy Federation, it was discussed that the increasing significance of protein-based nutrition will support the growth of the feed sector.

World Dairy Summit, which is organized by the International Dairy Federation (IDF) in a different country each year and is the most comprehensive organization of the sector in the global level, was hosted by the National Milk Council this year in Istanbul. Ulaş Semerci, General Manager of Abalıoğlu Tarımsa Üretim A.Ş., who participated in the World Dairy Summit, pointed out that the rising protein-based dietary trend throughout the world will support the growth in the feed sector. Pointing out that balanced nutrition has become the priority issue of developed and developing countries for a sustainable future due to the increase in the world population, Ulaş Semerci said, “Global trends show us that the importance of protein-based nutrition is gradually rising. This trend, guided by the goal of a healthy life, promotes the consumption of yogurt, kefir, and cheese with high protein milk. Likewise, although the amount of milk consumption per capita in Turkey lags behind the US and European countries, the awareness of protein-based nutrition is becoming increasingly widespread also in our country.”

The milk feed used by the growers determines the amount and the nutritional value of milk obtained from dairy animals. Feed quality is related to nutrition and energy value, protein content, fiber content and amount of mineral substances. As Abalıoğlu, we offer added value to growers with high nutritional value Abalım milk feeds that contribute to the increase in milk yield.

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