IFIF: Global compound feed production over one billion tonnes

01 December 20213 min reading

In 2020 world compound feed exceeded an estimated one billion tonnes annually. Global commercial feed manufacturing generates an estimated annual turnover in excess of US $400 billion, IFIF’s annual report said.

• In 2020 global feed tonnage increased by 1%, to ca. 1.2 billion MT

• China: Driven by pig production's continuous recovery, the high level of poultry inventory and the booming production and sales of ruminants, Chinese animal feed production achieved 10% growth for a total 252 MMT.

• Brazilian feed industry ends 2020 with a total production of 81.5 million metric tons of complete feed and mineral supplements, while forecast growth may achieve 2.3% in 2021.

• In Brazil only 11 million beef cattle heads use compound feed (complete balanced and concentrates). With overall herd of 250 million heads on grass/pastures, this is 4,5%. 

• US increased ca. 1% to 215.9 MMT. 

• EU compound feed production (EU 27+UK) in 2020 is estimated at 164,9 MMT, an incremental increase of 0.1% compared to 2019 

The last years have continued to see an increase in the demand for animal protein worldwide, including for livestock, dairy and fish. Generally we have seen a growth of production particularly in the developing world, with the developed world remaining more or less stable.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that by 2050 the demand for food will grow by 60% and that between 2010 and 2050 production of animal proteins is expected to grow by around 1.7% per year, with meat production projected to rise by nearly 70%, aquaculture by 90% and dairy by 55%.

This should be good news for the feed industry and our partners along the agri-food chain. However such growth comes with significant challenges and it is vital that our sector, as well as the wider agricultural chain, can meet these demands in a sustainable, safe and affordable manner, while maintaining consumer trust and confidence in the food supply chain.

This challenge is a global one and IFIF is a global organization. Its members are made up of national and regional feed associations, feed related organizations, and corporations, which represent over 80% of worldwide animal compound feed production.

IFIF’s vision is to provide a unified voice and leadership to represent and promote the global feed industry as an essential participant in the food chain that provides sustainable, safe, nutritious and affordable food for a growing world population.

In 2050 there will be over 9 billion people in the world... and the need for food will be 60% higher than today. How do we feed this population?

To support our industry on the road to the future, IFIF's work with its Members and stakeholders is focused on three strategic pillars, including (i) sustainability, (ii) regulatory matters and international standards, and (iii) supporting education and sharing of best practices. 

Under these pillars IFIF has undertaken a number of strategic projects, which are outlined in its annual report.

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