How future feed mills should be

04 July 20225 min reading

Taking into account the global trends such as green energies, energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions in animal nutrition, we can list our thoughts on how future feed mills should be.

Rasim Selçuk
Manager / Yönetici

If we look at the trends in animal and human nutrition all over the world today, we can see subjects such as:

1- Substituting fossil energies with green energies such as wind and solar energy,

2- Energy efficiency,

3- Heading towards fish and vegan protein sources instead of red meat, which consume a lot of world resources with a low return,

4- Reducing carbon emissions,

5- Heading towards plant- and insect-based proteins in animal nutrition.

Based on these, we can list our thoughts on how future feed mills should be:


Here we await one of the most significant transformations. As follows;

95% of dry foods are produced with extrusion technology in the world. This technology is an energy-intensive production technology. Raw materials are cooked at high temperatures up to 130 degree. 15% water is added to ensure this cooking, 18% moisture is taken and then they are dried. All this requires consuming huge amounts of electrical and fuel energy. On the other hand, high temperature cooking has negative effects on the nutrition of pets. Instead, we think that "Low Temperature Pressing" or "Low Temperature Cooking" technologies will be used in the future and serious steps have to be taken in this regard. Thus, there will be a significant increase in both energy and fuel and also nutritive values.

Another change we expect is the raw materials used. By looking at the world trends above, we have mentioned vegan, that is, herbal products. This issue will quickly come to the fore in pet nutrition, too. Contrary to popular opinion, studies have shown that dogs are more prone to be allergic to meat products and good results have been obtained in terms of health when a vegan diet is used.

Moreover, it will come to the fore to make food with insect proteins instead of high quality food grade raw materials, a very common trend these days. Especially the new generation, which is sensitive and respectful to the planet they live in, will not be willing to use food grade raw materials in pet food, even though they adopt an increasing number of pets. While the reports published by institutions such as the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) declare that the food crisis is now alarming, we think that people will not remain unresponsive to this while millions of people struggle with hunger and die because of it every day.

Another issue is that the packaging, transportation and storage expenses in this sector are very high today. In this regard, it will be on the agenda to transmit the products directly to the consumer in cheap yet healthy packaging that can be recycled in nature.

In addition, the shelf life, which reaches up to 18 months today, will be reduced by not more than 2 months and the drugs put in the food for a long shelf life will be saved. This will enable pets to eat healthier and also reduce drug costs.


It is expected that the trends in recent years will become reversed. Instead of very large capacity factories that address to a large area, we think that local, small and high number of factories will be established. Thus, while feeding local animals with local raw materials, the transportation of raw materials and products will also decrease.

It is a predictable fact that energy efficiency will come to the fore in factory designs; with fast and multiple dosing as well as fast and sensitive mixers, the number of batches per hour will increase from 12 to 20. This will both increase energy efficiency and reduce investment costs. There will be roller crushers instead of hammer mills, at least pre-roller crushers will do crushing, which will increase energy efficiency a lot. Unless it is really necessary, compressed feed will be used instead of high density pellet feed.

In the meantime, the number of cattle will gradually decrease because they are much less productive compared to alternative food sources such as fish and vegetable proteins although they use the world's resources a lot, and also increase carbon emissions. The Netherlands has started to work on this issue and continues at full pelt.


The fisheries and aquaculture sector is a rising trend as it is the most suitable source for human health with the highest feed conversion rate, and it is obvious that it will be one of the significant nutritional sources of the future. In fish feed recipes, the rate of use of fish meal decreased to 15% from around 60% as it used to be. The rate of use of vegetable and insect-derived proteins as raw materials is gradually increasing. In addition, we anticipate that there will be an increase in the production of aquatic products such as fish and shrimp on land, in addition to production in seas and lakes.

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