Global Pet Food Market

26 November 20174 min reading

Annual feed production in the world exceeded 1 billion tons in 2016. In this 1 billion tons production for different animal groups, poultry feed has the highest production share with 452 billion tons. Pet food, on the other hand, ranks in the fifth place in global feed production with a production of 25 million tons. 

evcil_hayvan_yemiPets are closest friends of humankind, who share even their houses with them. It is stated that cats are the favourite pets in the world. Ranked in the second place, dogs follow them. Cage and aviary birds and small rodents are also among the most preferred pets. It is not hard to guess that the United States and Europe are the leading continents in animal feeding. Because economic conditions and world-views play a significant role in animal feeding.

But how much feed do we produce to feed our beloved friends? Researches indicate that the amount of animal feed produced in 2016 exceeded 1 billion tons across the world. In this 1 billion tons production for different animal groups, poultry feed has the highest production share. Poultry feed group is followed by pigswill, ruminant feed group and fish feed. Pet food, on the other hand, ranks in the fifth place in global feed production with a production of 25 million tons. It is a reasonable fact that this amount increases correspondingly with the increase in economic wealth and level of cultural development.

PET FOOD PRODUCTION ON THE WORLD As a matter of fact, there are feed groups, which have quite different ingredients and production methods in pet food and/or feed group. For instance, canned feeds are used for cats and dogs as well as pellet feeds. On the other hand, cereal mixtures are used more widely for feeding caged animals. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find feed production data, which contain specific information, for this group, which covers different animals and diets.

However, carrying out the most extensive statistical studies in global feed production, Alltech provides data related to pet food production on an overall scale in its Global Feed Survey 2017 report. According to the report, pet food constitutes 25 million tons of global feed production which was 1 billion 32 million tons in 2016.

When pet food production data of the last 5 years is analysed, it is seen that production has increased steadily. According to Alltech reports, global pet food production, which was approximately 20.5 million tons in 2012, increased to 21 million tons in 2013, to 22 million tons in 2014, and 22.6 million tons in 2015. In 2016, a much more considerable increase has taken place compared to other years, and production amount reached to 25 million tons.

SHARE OF COUNTRIES IN GLOBAL FEED PRODUCTION China and USA are among the leading feed producers of the world. However, when pet food production is in question, USA is by far the leader. Being the top pet food producer in the world, USA alone succeeded in producing 38% of 22.6 million ton global pet food production in 2015. Having produced 8 million tons of pet food in 2012 and 2013, USA increased this amount to 9 million tons in 2014. In 2015, pet food production in the USA remained at 8.5 million tons.

Since the top 10 producers of total global pet food production are examined in Alltech report, Brazil is ranked in the second place with 2.4 million tons of feed production in 2015 data. According to the report, France produces approximately 1 million tons of pet food on an annual basis.

PET FOOD PRODUCTION ON A CONTINENTAL BASIS Considering the fact that the USA is the top animal food producer in the world, it is normal that the highest production is actualized in the North America region on a continental basis. In pet food production, the American continent is followed by European countries. According to Alltech reports, European countries produced 5 million tons of pet food in 2013, 5.7 million tons in 2014, 5.9 million tons in 2015, and 8.1 million tons in 2016.

In pet food production, Europe is followed by Latin America. Having produced 5 million tons of pet food in each 2013 and 2014, Latin America countries produced 5.3 million tons in 2015, and about 5.2 million tons in 2016.

While the amount of pet food produced in Asia-Pacific Region is about 2 million tons, the Middle East is the only region where pet food production does not take place.

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