PIX/AMC adds pork to poultry and milling in widened program

10 May 20223 min reading

The Poultry Information Exchange (PIX) and Australasian Milling Conference (AMC) will take place this week and for the first time, will encompass involvement from the pig industry with the SunPork Group of Companies, and an insect protein stream.

The Poultry Information Exchange (PIX) and Australasian Milling Conference (AMC) will take place this week and for the first time, will encompass involvement from the pig industry with the SunPork Group of Companies, and an insect protein stream.

To be held May 15-17 at the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre, the event was initially scheduled to take place in May 2020, but COVID-19 prompted two reschedules.

Described by organisers as the biggest and most important poultry and milling conference in Australasia, the conference has grown to a six-stream program this year encompassing egg production, chicken meat, flour and feed milling, and the newly added pork and insect protein streams. These streams are open to all producers and interested parties. One registration fee enables access to 2.5 days of high-quality speakers and over 180 trade displays. Register here.

Both SFMCA and ATMA will celebrate their 60th birthdays, and with four years in between events, and minimal opportunities for industry interactions, the excitement is building! The Conference Organisers are also pleased to confirm auction proceeds will support “Are You Bogged Mate”, a charity who are all about helping country blokes talk about mental health and suicide while spreading awareness about depression in the bush.


All delegates will hear two perspectives on the conference theme, Feeding the Future, one from the author, trend forecaster and award-winning speaker Michael McQueen, and the other from global food futurist Tony Hunter.

Mr McQueen’s clients have included KPMG, Pepsi and Cisco, and he has helped some of the world’s most successful brands navigate disruption and maintain momentum.

Mr Hunter started his career as a food technologist in the 1980s before moving into management and then becoming a futurist specialising in agrifood technology and consulting to companies, including KFC Global.

As an expert in alternative proteins and with a professional involvement with the chicken, beef, sheep and pork industries, Mr Hunter is renowned for presenting the facts without industry bias.

For PIX delegates, sessions will cover production and trend topics, biosecurity and farm security, also University of Adelaide Professor Wendy Umberger presenting real data on chicken-meat consumption.

PIX sessions will further include a presentation on carbon-neutral egg farming from leading Queensland producer Halls Farming, and GoAhead Business Solutions principal Greg Mills will speak about handling activist interests in food.

The pork program covers production topics, and SunPork CEO Robert van Barneveld will give his take on where Australian pork production is heading in the next 20 years.

The AMC Program will investigate feedstuffs of the future, including insect protein, seaweed, microalgae and recycled food. The program will then include discussions on training employees in a virtual mill, trends in food grains, and mill management considerations. And finally, biosecurity preparedness and a comprehensive look at critical Legislative overviews will take place for the insect stream.

The milling and poultry programs will discuss the use of recycled food, identifying some significant advances that will assist with “Feeding the Future.”

Host organisations for the event are PIX, Poultry Information Exchange, the Australian Technical Millers Association, Feed Ingredients and Additives Association of Australia, and the Stock Feed Manufacturers’ Council of Australia.

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