21 November 20192 min reading

The international trade of agri-commodities is essential factor in food security in a world of increasing population ensuring food is moved efficiently and safely from areas of surplus to areas of deficit. Conducting trade according to widely accepted standards is extremely important in terms of confidence and speed.

International standards provide mutual understanding and clarification of the best practice expected from businesses. They enable a unified approach thus facilitating global trade with confidence. The key benefits of international standards over country specific standards are the removal of delays and barriers to trade. They make it simpler for businesses to operate globally by only having one standard to understand and comply with, and increase the likelihood of consistent delivery and fewer issues.

Standards enable organisations to ensure their procedures focus on what is important for their business, their employees and their customers. They provide a framework by which less experienced operators are able to develop and do business on a wider and more international basis.

Certain trade disputes are inevitable. Although international standards minimize them, they do not completely eliminate their existence. Therefore, there are some basic points that traders should consider. The special story of this issue entitled 'International Standards in Feed Trade' discussed these standards and also some clues needed to minimize potential conflicts.


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