Hamlet Protein, global expert in solutions for young animal nutrition, relaunched its well-known FeedYour Brain seminars in Germany.
Two sessions were held, focusing on nutrition and health challengesin swine and ruminants (piglets and calves) and poultry (chicks). The Feed Your Brain seminars are aunique platform that facilitates information exchange between Hamlet Protein nutritionists, industryexperts and local producers.
The Covid-19 pandemic saw many events canceled or postponed. Even though Hamlet Protein organizedseveral on-line seminars, customers showed a clear preference for getting back to face-to-face meetingsagain. The line up for both events included international experts in animal rearing, nutrition, andmarkets. “We are very happy to be able to meet with our customers again and exchange ideas on the latestdevelopments in the German market as well as global markets.
Jan Kamphof
Hamlet Protein has made significantinvestments in product development and scientific research in the past year. The Feed Your Brainseminars are an excellent platform to share our latest insights with customers and industry partners,”said Hamlet Protein EMEA Director Jan Kamphof.The Feed Your Brain seminar on poultry nutrition was moderated by Robert Pottgüter, Nutritionist withLohman Breeders. Prof. Elizabeth Satin presented an inside view of gut health to improve sustainabilityin poultry production; Dr. Maarten de Gussem spoke about Supporting coccidiosis vaccine side effectsthrough nutrition in broiler chickens; Wu Meng discussed Outlook of China’s Feed Industry and finally Dr.Alfred Blanch, Category Manager Poultry with Hamlet Protein, shared Recent Findings on the Impact ofdietary anti-nutritional factors in chickens.The Feed Your Brain seminar on swine and ruminant nutrition was moderated by Dr. Heinrich Roling(Herocon Unternehmensberatung).
Robert Marani presented on Trace Minerals Latest Generation; WuMeng spoke about the Development of China’s Pork Industry; Eva-Maria Saliu PhD Berlin Universityaddressed Piglet Gut Health and Albert Hortmann Scholten (Landwitschaftskammer Niedersachsen)discussed Economic Aspects of Calf Feeding Strategies in relation to Volatitliy in Feed Ingredients Market.“Research shows that the inclusion of high-quality ingredients in starter and pre-starter feeds results inimproved gut health, better digestion and absorption of feed components and a stronger immunesystem. That in turn leads to better economics for producers. The attendees of our Feed Your Brainseminars show a lot of interest to learn more about that,” concluded Kamphof.