Animal nutrition technology company AB Vista organized an important event about a new development on phytate together with its Taiwan distributor.

AB Vista, in cooperation with its Taiwan distributor, Besta Biotech Co., LTD., recently hosted the “International Phytate Summit” in Tainan, Taiwan, to discuss the latest research on phytate and its multi-factorial impact on animal production. The by-invitation-only event has helped more than one hundred participants, including nutritionists, formulators, feed millers and farmers, understand the anti-nutritional factors of phytate and identify advances in diet formulation to combat the anti-nutritional effect of phytate.
Opening the summit, Dr Bi Yu, from National Chung Hsing University Department of Animal Science, highlighted the importance of further understanding the ‘break down’ products of phytate, particularly phytate esters and inositol, and their impact on the animal.
Dr. Mike Bedford, Research Director from AB Vista said, “AB Vista regularly organises scientific forums such as these to provide our customers with the latest nutritional applications, insights and trial results, as well as showing them practical examples of how these can help in their businesses.”