GFLA (The Global Feed LCA Institute) announced
that it has welcomed four new members to Board of Directors.
At the annual membership meeting on December 1, the four nominated Directors were elected to fill a 2-year term for the Board of Directors. Being the key factors for change, the Board of Directors welcomes the insights new directors bring to the table.
HENK FLIPSEN, director of the Dutch feed
association Nevedi
Nevedi has been among the founding consortium of the GFLI and has been part of the Board of Directors in the past. Henk is convinced that feed can and will contribute to achieve global climate goals, with the necessity for harmonised and acknowledged calculation methods to generate data for feedstuffs that can be used worldwide.
JONATHAN JOB, chief commercial officier at
Duynie Group
After their representation in the Technical Management Committee, Duynie Group also strengthens the Board of Directors. Duynie Group is a major player for processing wet co-products. Jonathan is highly motivated to see the GFLI database populated, and expresses the urgency of it being a sector initiative driven by the feed industry and recognized by the entire supply chain.
LINA VON FRICKEN, technical representative at
Lina von Fricken has been actively participating for GFLI, both by serving the Board of Directors in the past and just rounding up her term at the Technical Management Committee. As chair role with PEFCR Feed technical secretariat and having 10 years of experience in feed LCA, she will advocate for reliable assessment of the feed industry’s environmental impact through a strong LCA database.
TOM BATTAGLIESE, Senior Manager, Global
Sustainability Metrics at BASF Nutrition & Health
After three years of serving as the GFLI Technical Management Committee Chair and as a non-voting Board Member, Tom will now continue to serve GFLI as part of the (voting) Board of Directors. With his technical background and his history of the GFLI, in addition to assuring the technical soundness and continuous progress towards the mission of GFLI, one of the key priorities he strives for this term is to help drive solutions towards securing the fiscal continuity of the GFLI