29 March 20202 min reading

Animal feed plays a leading role in the global food industry and it is the largest and most important component to ensure the sustainable production of safe and affordable animal proteins. The increase in animal production will require an additional amount of feed to be produced. The challenge is not only to meet the growing demand for feed, but to ensure its safety.

Animal feed plays a leading role in the global food industry and it is the largest and most important component to ensure the sustainable production of safe and affordable animal proteins. Rapidly growing populations, along with increased urbanization and income, is expected to rise the consumption of animal products by 70% in 2050. The increase in animal production will require an additional amount of feed to be produced. The challenge is not only to meet the growing demand for feed, but to ensure its safety.

Feed safety is a prerequisite for food safety and human health, as well as a necessity for animal health and welfare. It is a component of access to trade, income generation and economic sustainability. In addition, it contributes to feed and food security and decreases feed losses. In fact, feed is an integral part of the food chain and its safety has been recognized as a shared value and a shared responsibility. Feed production must thus be subject, in a similar manner as food production, to the quality assurance of integrated food safety systems. In a period that is placed on full alert due to the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, it is clear that our concerns out health have increased. We should place maintain the emphasis on animal health and welfare on top of the human health. In this context, sensitive and instant measurement applications and cooperation between political structures are significant. Therefore, special attention was paid to the sharing of measurement and know-how in the content of our cover story.

------------COVER STORY INDEX------------

  • Mycotoxin Risk Assessment in Feed Production For an effective mycotoxin risk management, feed manufacturers should always consider a basic principle: YOU CANNOT MANAGE WHAT YOU DO NOT MEASURE. [button color="red" size="small" link="" icon="" target="true"]Read More »[/button]
  • Brexit and the fight to maintain future feed integrity As we face the dismantling of a long term relationship, Paul Featherstone, Procurement Director of Sugarich, shares his thoughts on the importance of not undoing 40 years of exemplary standards of feed safety. [button color="red" size="small" link="" icon="" target="true"]Read More »[/button]


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